Artist: Jonathan Mechanicus
Hahnemühle Baryta print, size 120x90cm, edition of 3 (+ 1 A.P.), mounted on dibond, with floating frame.
Jonathan Mechanicus (Amsterdam, 1967) is a self-taught editor and photographer. Having built successful careers in audio postproduction for television and video editing for TV commercials, documentaries and music videos; Jonathan then embarked on his photographic career in 2005.
His father, Dutch photographer Philip Mechanicus (1936-2005), has influenced Jonathan not so much in the manner of taking photographs but rather in the artful craft of developing and printing. To push and to hold back; this made a lasting impression. Jonathan Mechanicus fully incorporates this practice in digital developing and printing of his photography.
Mechanicus’ work has a distinct signature. Over- and under-exposing with enhanced contours have become trademarks of his style throughout the years. Capturing perfection in the moment, technique comes secondary. A maximum effect with minimal means. He strives to visually bring his subject to its essence, through the use of high contrast and careful distribution of light, adding depth with a rough grain.
Mechanicus shows the heart of the matter. His work intrigues and abstacts and thereby creates its own dimension.
For Mechanicus, less is more.
Was het telkens een toeval dat mij jou deed vinden, onverwachts, op plaatsen zoo ver van elkaar vandaan als het op aarde maar kan. Waarom moest ik je telkens weervinden waar ik je toch iedere keer reddeloozer verloor. Aan noodlot kan ik niet gelooven want jouw lot kon ik nooit deelen, nauwelijks aanraken en om te weten of ik het eens heb gewend, daarvoor heb ik niet lang genoeg geleefd. Was het telkens toeval? Welke boosaardige voorzienigheid deed mij je anders vier maal in de vreemdste omstandigheden vinden en bijna terstond weer verliezen?
(uit ‘Schuim en Asch’, J. Slauerhoff, 1930)

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