“What makes photography a strange invention
is that its primary raw materials
are light and time.” John Berger (1926-2017)

Sandvoort Gallery is dedicated to the medium of photography, with more then three decades of experience and knowledge. We represent both established midcareer artists and emerging photographers. The gallery deals in photography as work of art in all genres, including fine art, documentary, portraiture, still-life, experimental, nudes and landscapes.
Fotogalerie Roel Sandvoort KvK 65012003
BTW NL001339867B19
Sandvoort Gallery is a popup photogallery. The gallery carries a wide range of a carefully edited selection of images by Dutch master photographers from the 1930’s and onwards, thanks to the conjunction with the Maria Austria Institute (Amsterdam) and the heirs of photographers like Ad Windig, Sem Presser, Eva Besnyö, Peter Ruting and Jean Ruiter.
Roel Sandvoort (1950) was a founding partner of picture agency Hollandse Hoogte, which partly under his leadership became the leading image supplier of all Dutch media. At the end of 2015 he left his position as financial director of Hollandse Hoogte and started the Sandvoort Gallery, to apply all his experience in the field of imagery once again to his biggest love and passion: the photographic image.
We represent historical collections, among them the photocollection of Eva Besnyö, Sem Presser, Ad Windig, Jean Ruiter and Peter Ruting.

Specialized in Dutch photographers from the second half of the 20th century till the present days.
Sandvoort GalleryBoth documentary and fine art photographers from 1930 onwards.
Present days photographersMaria Austria Instituut and Nederland Foto Museum.
Historical collections