Lady in lace, 1950- vintage print 22x17cm


Lady in lace, 1950- vintage print 23×17,2cm


Lech Walesa campaigns before Poland’s presidential elections, 1990, vintage print size 21,5x32cm


Lech Walesa campaigns before Poland’s presidential elections, 1990, vintage print size 21x31cm


Let go, 2021


Lou Reed, May 2001, vintage print 32,5x26cm


Louis Bouwmeester & Lily, 1913, silver gelatin print size 21x16cm


Lucretia, 2018


Man Ray, print 19,5x24cm, 2017


Man showing his strength, Haiti, October 1993. vintage print 30x45cm


Margaret Thatcher, 2020


Marijke Klein, voor V&D mode, 1966, new pigment print


Marina & Mimi


Marina with mirror


Mick Jagger at the Kurhaus (1964), fine art pigment print


Mode voor magazine Avenue (1966)
