Line in paper, 1995, vintage print


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  • Description

    Artist: Peter Ruting (1938-2015)

    Line in paper, 1995, C-print, signed and numbered in the margin, edition 93/100, size 37,5×49,5cm, printed by the artist, framed with glass.

    Peter Ruting: “Although the paper is wrinkled, there is a steady line: finding the balance between many partners”.

    Provenance: private collection Nico Vonk. The image was created and produced on assignment by Winterthur assurance company in Swiss.


    Peter Ruting (1938-2015) was educated at Instituut voor Kunstnijverheidsonderwijs, where Jaap d’Oliveira was his lecturer, and started in 1960 as photographer. He opened a studio in 1968, and produced photography for advertising agencies, corporate clients, architects. He worked for more then ten years closely with art-director Paul Mertz at the agency Prad. Photographers had a big say in the advertisements campaigns those days. So as a photographer he was strongly involved with the famous milk and cheese commercials they made.

    Slowly he changed in the direction of his own projects, first shown to a large audience at the Canon Photo Gallery in Amsterdam in the year 1983. Folowed by exhibitions in Paris (Galerie Daguerre and FNAC Etoile in 1984), and Londen (the Photographer’s Gallery  in 1985). And Santa Barbara, CA (Western States Museum) and Carmel, CA (Weston Gallery), both in 1988. He published the book De Gedachten Gevormd in 1988 (publ. Trendboek BV).

    Work of Peter Ruting has been purchased by the Dutch government, Kodak, the Visual Art Fioundation in the Netherlands and many private collectors.

    Peter Ruting
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